The practice of Yoga is ultimately about finding balance, healing and peace...
In terms of establishing balanced "nutrition" from movement, the practice of Yin or Taoist yoga is highly recommended for "A" type bodies and those who are over the age of 21 years. It is not a "what" but a "how" differentiation...
Muscles account for about 40% of the resistance against the body's flexibility, while connective tissue accounts for around 50%. The intensity and physical benefits of Yin yoga practice depend on two variables: duration of the asana, and the muscle's temperature.
Asanas are usually held for three to five minutes but can be held for as long as twenty. Because of the long duration of asanas, it is said that patience is another of the key values cultivated by Yin yoga.
It is usually recommended that Yin yoga be practised when the muscles are not yet warmed up. When the muscles are cold, they are less elastic, and more stress will be transferred to the connective tissue.
During yin asanas, muscles are relaxed to avoid tetany, or muscle spasm, resulting from engaging muscles for long periods.
Although many Yin yoga poses or asanas closely resemble the asanas in Indian hatha yoga, they have different names to alert those familiar with similar poses in hatha yoga not to perform them in the same way. "Defixating" the joints results in greater ease and increased strength of connective tissue.